Monday, July 27, 2009

First Book done!!!!!!

Yeah I finally got a fancy new book made just for me. It feels good knowing that my comics are going to made semipro and if they look good then I can order more n send them out with portfolio stuff. The work is just a compilation of my comics. Hope its nice. I was thinking after it gets revised of making a facebook page that links it up and try to get others to by it and promote it that way. Heres the cover.
Everything went easy as can be. Didn't have any problems I could see but I have to wait for the finished product.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So for my distribution I deicided to send leave some people some bathroom reading material. I left them in the restroom at McDonalds.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Work IN PRogress {review}

The first thing to strike me about the book was the cover. Didn't really understand the connection to how it fit in until i saw that the font and back cover used to be one drawing and that may that itself was a work in progress. Still would have liked to see a Title on the cover though. 
Once opening you are greeted by a nice little title page that explains the inner workings of the zine. It is mostly filled with poetry that switches from overtly sexual to childlike wonderment of life. She also includes some drawing to push the zine further and the work inside stays interesting through out. 

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Zine update

Well I spent most of the weekend searching for and downloading different fonts. Think I downloaded like 35 - 40 new fonts. I also have been messing around with the layouts. It been going slow and steady. Now all that is left to do it get the pages printed and stapled.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Zine. Death can be sick and funny.

My drawings are starting to come together. Im not loving them but I fell that by Tuesday I'm going to have something funny to look at. Some of the drawings are starting to look like SuperJail style. If there is anyone out there who doesn't know about super Jail you should be shot in the face. Just joking. Its on Adult swim and if you don't like SuperJail after watching it then you really should be shot in the face. END

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I distributed my chapbooks to fellow artists and friends that I happened to run into. Every one in my class got one as well. Not to say they are not artist or friends. They way I rid of most of them was distributing them at a party. I showed up to a friends house and started to hand them out. Most of the people I didn't know and it was a good chance to get outside opinion on the books.
As for my observation it focused more on the reaction that people got. It seemed that the only people that thought it was gross were girls who seemed to hate me as much as the book itself so I'm o.k. with that. Overall it went pretty good. I got some people that laughed to hard and some people that probably didn't even know what they were looking at cause they were having such a "good time" but who cares. Its out there. I drew some the better expressions that I remembered seeing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

BFA show

For my BFA show piece I created a giant comic. It deals with the pressure of leaving school and dealing with the world outside of the art world.


Well since this is a comic class here some of my old work.

I don't really know what to write about. I'd been working on some stuff for this private collector and hadn't been thinking about this to much. Also I've never written a blog before so I didn't know what to write about. Well here are some of the sketches I did for him.