Monday, August 10, 2009

Proposal Clastic Phap

The ability to make someone laugh is not an easy skill and making them laugh though illustrations is another skill entirely. This is what most my work is about; making people laugh. It is a quality that I feel is very important to the art world and one that I feel is easily forgotten.

One on one people are very different. Knowing that it’s hard to make work that everyone will laugh at. That’s when shock value comes into play. Shock value works for my style and for the style of the chapbook. Its because the work can be viewed very quickly and seen for what it is. Working in a six panels or page spread limits the space and story line that each chapbook can contain.

Plastic Coat is meant to be a short series of work that can be connected linearly, but doesn’t need to be read in order. They are intended to be crude and vulgar, but keeping the idea of what a mini comic is in mind. The idea is not to create something that is to be framed or kept in high regard not to be damaged. They are meant to be passed around from one person to another. The idea is to work as a self-promotion tool kind of like a business card. One person may find the first, second, fifth issue and laugh show it to friend and then that friend might seek it out or might just go online to view more of my work. Since the books are so quickly read it’s easy for people get though.

The Plastic Coat series is also a free. Making the copies takes time and effort, but the final project will not cost anyone their hard earned money. I will be making an addition of twenty-five new chapbooks for at least four new issues to be presented to the class. They will continue from the first issue that the class already received.

Outline Schedule

Tuesday have two comics done. Ready for print.

Thursday the other tow done. Ready for print

Friday have one more finished. All copies ready to turn in for the class.

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